速報APP / 商業 / FCAAP: Future of Pediatrics

FCAAP: Future of Pediatrics





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




FCAAP: Future of Pediatrics(圖1)-速報App

The Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (“FCAAP”) is a nonprofit member based organization whose members promote and advocate for the health and welfare of Florida’s children, and support pediatricians and pediatric specialists as the best qualified providers of children's healthcare.

FCAAP: Future of Pediatrics(圖2)-速報App

Hosted by FCAAP, the Future of Pediatric Practice conferences are the premier Florida-based educational events for pediatric healthcare providers.

The conferences provide Florida’s pediatric healthcare providers the opportunity to connect with colleagues from around the state and country, learn from subject area experts on issues impacting the practice of pediatrics and children’s health, and meet merchants and vendors providing goods and services to assist providers in their practice.

Through the official mobile app of The Future of Pediatric Practice conferences, FCAAP members and conference attendees can connect with other pediatricians and attendees, create a personal schedule for each conference, view the profiles of the partners supporting each conference, see detailed information on the sessions and speakers at each conference, access presentation materials and take notes during sessions, stay up-to-date with FCAAP news, and receive up-to-date information on events, contests, and giveaways.